Monday, August 1, 2011

Fluffy - Our First Pet

Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen - this is Fluffy - 
our first pet. 

Of course he is a wild, outside rabbit, but we pay little attention to that. Despite his name and the soft fur that inspired it, he is not too terribly cuddly - as I suppose is to be expected having had the misfortune of growing up feral.

However, he is still the ideal pet - hardly have to keep track of him, don't have to feed him on account that he is constantly raiding the neighbor's vegetable gardens - and if he accidently gets eaten by the local bob cat - we won't even know the difference - for there are several Fluffys in the district, I'm guessing, and we'll just mistake them for him.

Ah, life in Bozeman is sweet!


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