Thursday, August 4, 2011

Day of the Pug

Yes, yes, yes. What is the first thing you do when you move to Montana, a.k.a. Grizzly Country? (Besides go to a gun safety class and get your Concealed Weapons License?)

You get some dogs! Right?

So of course we started looking. Right away. Searching high and low. And naturally, we went for something ferocious that would be sure to keep us protected . . . well from TEDDY BEARS anyway!

Yep, we adopted an adorable pair of pugs. Daisy and Rosie - both rescued puppy mill moms. Really sweet girls. 

However there is a sad twist to this happy story. And a good lesson learned. When newly married and living with in laws - especially mother and father-in-laws. One should always make sure to clear the fact that when one says they are looking to get A dog, then if they happen to maybe get TWO dogs, it will still be OK with mother and father-in-law . . . you probably get the picture.

Yes. After one day, the ladies had to be returned to their very loving, overly spoiling foster mother, and ten canine siblings. However, they got a pretty good deal out of the adventure . . . a ride in the car, walks down the lovely Sourdough Trail, and a huge breakfast of bacon, eggs and toast.

I am sure the lovely Daisy and Rosie (whom I wanted to rename Fern and Flower) will find that forever home sometime soon. Or maybe they'll just be lucky enough to remain with their fairy-god-mother-foster mom.

Yeah, for Pugs!

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