Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Montana Tinkerbelle - My First Post

This site is named after the hat I am wearing in the picture, and after what I desire to become – the Montana Tinkerbelle!
The hat was selected by my dear sister-in-law, Jane, at the Goodwill in State College, PA, when Captain Hook (my hubby-bubby honey bun) [(diversion: Perhaps the 'real' Tinkerbelle still has fantasies about running off with that perpetual boy - Peter Pan - but the Montana Tinkerbelle is much wiser. She nabbed the illustrious Captain Hook - a real man - full of vision and adventure, not to mention a hint of a dark past - and heck - he owns his own boat!)] and I were on our whirl wind world tour. Sister-in-law Jane saw the hat and knew it was for me. I was delighted to pay the $2.00 they were asking for it, knowing it would be most suitable for Montana.

Having lived most recently in Los Angeles and being a big fan of Tink and Disneyland – which I would frequent as much as possible especially when a certain dear niece named Kate would come to visit – it was a surprise to me, as well as a few of my friends and family, when my darling husband and I up and moved to Montana. So I decided to bring Tink with me – that I might be able to embody her myself, if I could. Just try tot tell me that Montana doesn’t need a little bit of fairy dust!

Being newlyweds, and having grown oh so everly tired of the big city, we jumped at the chance to go to Bozeman where his parents had retired. And that is why we are here. And so far – WE LOVE IT!